
School era Los Alamos era PermissionBit era IPS era Books Grant related PermissionBit era Curt Hastings and Ronnie Mainieri (2017). Computer activity learning from system call time series. In: arXiv preprint 1711.02088 Curt Hastings and Ronnie Mainieri.…

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Worked on: chaotic dynamics analog robots quantum computers behavioral politics natural language processing statistical methods for high dimensional spaces computer security Now working at PermissionBit where we apply machine learning to cybersecurity. The usual: opinions, reasonable or not, are mine not theirs.…

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Entries by tag cyber I take a machine learning approach to cyber security. Some days I fret over the logic of the enterprise. socsci Things related to economics, political science, society. I spent many years using quantitative and data driven methods for political analyses, so every so often, it leaks into my content.…

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